Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ins and Outs of Summer 2012

Well it seems like the style factor has been changing over these past decades! So today i wanted to give a little update on what is IN and what is OUT!


Maxi Dresses - Cute and great for summer!
Peplum Skirts - Hugs your body but also adds flow to it.
Nail Polish - Having painted nails is very popular now! But be carful what brand you buy, the payoff may not look so well.
Printed Denim - Floral or Tie-Die? Printed Denims are in!
Colored denim cutoff shorts - Very cute and adds some color to just a plain T-Shirt!
Awkward. - Best show EVER! Must see if you haven't!


Uggs - Boots are cute but not for summer.
Smacker Lip balm - Smells and taste good but it isn't what you want.
Pajama Jeans - Whoever came up with that has a very odd imagination.
Jersey Shore - Jersey Shore is good, but it is definitely last summer!
Perms - Many people get perms in 2012! But it's so bad for your hair!

My weekend in Oregon

Hey everyone! Iv'e been gone in Oregon for the weekend and had no wifi. I missed blogging these two days! Well the weekend was very nice and sunny! My family and I went out to this really cute cafe called HK Cafe. All they had there were really good Hong Kong style food! I just wanted to show everyone some pictures of how wonderful my weekend was!
Went tubing 

Went to Gaston, Oregon 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Floral Denim

Hi everyone! So sorry that I couldn't blog yesterday It's been crazy around here! Well now I am back and happy to blog again! As we should all know the stylish printed denims are so in right now! And I found some that are crazy cute on but they are around $200.00 but on I found a similar one for just $88.00!          $178.00         $88.00

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Classic TOMS

Hey everyone(: Happy July 4th!! I was just about to head out and celebrate with the family! But before I leave, I wanted to show some pics of these TOMS you can wear on this special occasion. It's fun, festive, and anyone can wear it! Hope everyone enjoys and has a Happy July 4th!





Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cute & Denim

I saw this really cute colored denim cutoff shorts at Free People and I absolutely fell in love with it, but it was $68.00!! But when I went to Forever 21 I found a similar one for just $19.80!!
Colored Denim Cutoff Shorts
Colored Denim Cutoff Shorts  $63

Colored Denim cutoff shorts  $19.80